Two Pieces of Moon (A B'day tale!)

The king of moon has an unfulfilled wish. He wants to visit the blue planet Earth. When it is a long night in the moon, he keeps staring at the planet that looks like a big blue ball in the dark sky. It occupies his dream in deep sleep. He asks himself, "What is there in that distant big ball? Who lives there? Do they know who I am?" He orders his expert engineers to design a vehicle that can fly in the space. The engineers of the moon-land respect their king’s wish. They spend their long days and nights to prepare a rocket that can travel to the blue planet. The show it to the king and say, "Dear Sir, it's all yours now." The king gets into the rocket and sits comfortably beside his pilot. He is happy with the whole design of the earthcraft. "Let's fly to the blue planet now," He instructs his pilot.

It is an exciting journey in the space! That's new world. The king can see the stars, sun and other twinkling bodies all around him. The earthcraft reaches the blue planet in just three moon days. The king looks through the window. What an amazing picture it is! He has never seen such limitless beauty before. The planet is living! It has blue liquids, it has brown solids, it has green canopies, it has blue sky, above all, it has living creatures walking, running, jogging, jumping, swimming, here and there. His own moon-land is dull, dark and depressing, without much to do. 

The earthcraft doesn't land on the blue planet as it doesn't have the power to go back to the moon then. But the king is so glad that he decides to gift something to this new planet. Swirling his hand on the front, he creates two spiral beams of moon, soft and smooth and beautiful. He throws the beams towards the blue planet and then flies back. Where do the moonbeams fall on? They go straight to the lap of Ambika, and change their forms immediately. This all happens by an earthly magic! Do you know what they become? The moonbeams change themselves to two very pretty girls, who are known by the names Myra and Erisha, two little pieces of moon.


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